Friday, June 1, 2012


The Birth. 

Calendar Boys Series 2011
Mixed media on paper 


The Birth of A$$ P u s+s y 

It is a character inspired by all the bull shit and occasional casual encounters.A$$ P u s+s y is  a  16 year old virgin transexual  character  who is confident and not afraid to speak her mind. She will defend her gender and sensuality  at any cost ; she is dark yet funny. A$$ P u s+s y is an art whore, fashionista, muse and  party girl . She is the creation of  Sofia Moreno  her drug child, spun of S A T A N and her most beautiful creation . Soon A$$ P u s+s y will be starting  in P o r n A g a i n a series of erotic videos  directed and produced by Sofia Moreno "With these videos  I hope to reach a new audience willing to open their minds  and hearts to new possibilities because in A$$ P u s+s y 's world anything is possible." SM

Still from P o r n A g a i n

Still from P o r n A g a i n

Get to know   A$$ P u s+s y

s+s project  wants to invite you to collaborate on its first zine of a series. The first zine is based on A$$ P u s+s y. If you do not know who the F#$% A$$ P u s+s y is, well she is a 16 year old virgin, transexual character who is confident and not afraid to speak her mind. She is an art whore, a fashionista, a muse and a party girl. She is not afraid to defend her gender and sensuality at any cost, she is dark yet funny.The mission for this zine  is to create an archive of original works a collaboration  between A$$ P u s+s y and other artists. The Little Fitly  Zine is produce by s+s project and all  submissions will be considered for publication. The Filthy Little Zine would also be on display in a gallery for Sofia Moreno’s  show  P o r n A g a i n cumming soon.
For submissions go to 

 H O L Y W E E K -S T U D I O 

  H O L Y W E E K - S T U D I O is a new line of accessories that s+s project really liked. "This is the first of what will consitute HOLYWEEK'S "Pop Wordship Inc." Line;a  project exploring devotion,death ,and popular culture" Creative Director Jonathan Sommer and the name fits quite good as you’ll see in his first collection named HERE . Here some photos.

Cruciform pendant- in progress.

Material: Vitreous enamel on copper
Dimension: 1.5”x3”


"I google myself at least once a month."-Sofia Moreno
s+s  project has  copies of issue#1 and issue#2 if you are interested in a copy send us an e mail to or go to their website DAS EINHORN

RUBY DEE is +h3 kind of girl I want to party with.

One of the hottest hostess in the Chicago night life. You can see her every Sunday at QUEEN! if YOU D A R E!! 

image courtesy of Hole Boss 

"Bitch u better ring the alarm because I'm coming armed"-Ruby Dee 

Every Sunday @ Smart Bar  Queen!

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